Monday, March 19, 2007

Deadly Silence

Hey all...
Its been a few weeks now and it seems that all of the greenies have gone into their holes. While they seem to have quietened down...their constant harassment of young people have not stopped. Because of obvious reasons there will be no names mentuioned...but it seems that they have a bone to pick with young people....while there have not been any reports of any been taken up to the camp...there visitations have not stopped...and I think I'll stop right there. Whats really angers me is that they really seem to hate it when young people stand up and talk about issues, and mainly on the human rights abuses. They haul young people up to the camp and do in-humane things to them that animals won't even do to each other!!

There have been reports of young man been taken up and sexually abused.....there have also been incidents of young people......well....young men......that at gun point were made to sodomise each other in front of solders while they masturbated and watched. Where is the humanity in this? Where is the security they promised? Where is corruption, int he act of sexually abusing and taunting these young men?

They are creating youths that will hate and dispise the army....a generation that will grow up with hate and anger.....and when these youths become leaders...well what values do you think they will reflect? The army claims that they are doing this for the well-being of the future generations of Fiji......thats just plain stupidity....especially when the youths that you claim to be creating the future for, are the very same one that are being hauled up to the barracks and then beaten up, ridiculed, raped.....sodomised and do un-natural acts to each other.

There will come a time when the uniforms will come off.....
Then you will be a father......
A mother........
A sister.........
And lets just see how you'll feel(soldier) when the same things that you are doing to these young people are done to yours.........

May God bless Fiji


Captain Freedom said...

That is so true. As the saying goes - "One day day"

anti-coup gal said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't recall seeing any report via any media outlet in regard to some young people being sodomised at camp or whereever.

When did this happen and where? Your article seems quite sketchy. Would you please ask these young people if you have access to them to lodge their reports with the police and Fiji Human Rights Commission or front up at any NGO office and ask them to assist/facilitate the reporting of these criminal inhumane acts against military personnel. If they keep quiet about these atrocities, they'll only help to justify leweni's one-liner comments that these so-called assaults are just a figment of these people's imagination. Do not give leweni that opportunity! So back up your articles with more particulars if you are to retain your credibility.

Peter Waqa said...

United, i know who you does it feel now that you have led your organisation out of the human rights network. and you expect us to come to you for advice and expect you help us out....forget it, you are getting what u deserve.

Anonymous said...

Isa, those poor kids. What on earth do those greenies think they are doing?

I totally agree with capt freedom, day Mafatu ...